“Alone Again… Naturally”

What do you do when you’re upset? Do you just want to be alone? Or do you want to be with other people? Talk about other things? Take your mind off of your problems? Would the disciples go to the synagogue on that Saturday after...

Living for the Weekend

Friday. What more is there to be said about Good Friday? I’ve written dozens of sermons about it. We’ve all examined every word that Jesus spoke, every stage of his trials, his tortures, and his death. What more is there to say? Friday. All around you...

A Choice of Dinner Music

As someone recently wrote, real life is not like the movies. In the movies these special emotional moments are accompanied by music that helps us to understand and to feel what’s going on. Close-ups help us to focus exclusively on a characters thoughts and...

Unexplained Absence

The Gospels report nothing about Wednesday. What’s it like when that happens in your life? When someone you are concerned about just drops off the radar for a day or two? No phone calls – no text messages or Facebook – they don’t show up...

When Pastors Attack!!!

OK, they weren’t all pastors, but I liked the title. Tuesday morning Jesus walked back to the city. On the way his disciples noticed that the fig tree he had cursed the day before was now dried up and dead, and they marveled. But Jesus encouraged them (a lesson...

Working Late On Monday Night

The lights were on late on Monday night in Jerusalem. Jesus and his disciples had a lovely walk back to Bethany, and enjoyed another dinner and time to talk and pray. But Jesus’ cleaning out of the Temple caused something new to happen. All the people who hated...