At the congregation meeting on May 20, the Building Committee gave a report on the status of their work. You can see a pdf of the PowerPoint presentation here. The committee reported that the remodeling at the school site was proceeding as planned (some concept drawings included), and that the plans for remodeling downtown were also well in hand. However, the committee has paused their work on the planned Phases Two and Three until they can receive more guidance from the congregation. It is still our hope to move, as a congregation, toward the goals we set for ourselves in our 20/20 Plan. We want to have the Best Elementary School in Ann Arbor, a thriving worship community built around our school and a thriving worship community that reaches the center of the city, as well as a vibrant outreach to the Asian community that is near us. Please continue to pray for these goals, and consider, “how does God want ME to contribute to this eternally important work?”