“Watch out that no one deceives you… You must be on your guard… do not worry beforehand about what to say… he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  Mark 13:1-13

Look at all the verbs in these verses. “Watch out… be on your guard… do not worry… stand firm…” What does that sound like to you? You’d think we were in a war or something! All these phrases sound alarming or combative. If they were movie lines, you’d expect them to be in the middle of a battle scene. “Watch out!” Is that really what your life is like?

We actually are in a battle and we are in danger, Jesus is not afraid for us. It’s not that he worries that we might be overcome. In this battle we already have the victory! But then, if he has already won this victory for us, why do we need to be warned?

I’ve been with many families before a major surgery. And the doctor often warns them about certain things. When the patient comes out of surgery they make look alarming (ventilator, tubes, IVs, monitors). These things are normal and they don’t mean something bad is happening. Or they may warn about some possible setbacks on the road to recovery, and assure you that these things are not a surprise and the doctors have a plan for them.

Then, when these things happen, even though they are not “good” things, the patient’s family is encouraged that the doctor knew what he was talking about. He’s got it in control.

Jesus calls us to be awake and alert, to be aware that our enemy is hunting us, so that we will be able to rejoice as we see our Lord work out his victory in our life. Even when bad things happen, we see that Jesus was right all along. He has a plan. And he has the victory for us.

Where have you recently seen Jesus’ victory for you?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, Satan fooled me. He drew me in again. He thought he had me! But you were there. You gave me forgiveness all over again. You drowned the “old Adam” in me once again and raised me to new life. Thank you, Lord. Let your grace fill me every day!  Amen.